"A Season for Martyrs" by Bina Shah is a gripping novel set in contemporary Pakistan, exploring the complex dynamics of politics, culture, and tradition. The story centers around Ali Sikandar,...
"Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a timeless political allegory that satirizes the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of the Soviet Union through the lens of a seemingly simple...
"Animal Farm," written by George Orwell and translated by Syed Alaudeen, is a timeless allegorical novella that serves as a powerful critique of the Russian Revolution and totalitarianism. Set on...
"Below The Belt" by Stuart Woods is a riveting mystery thriller that delves into the world of crime and corruption. Set against the backdrop of New York City, the novel...
Born to Be Hanged: Political Biography of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto by Syeda Saiyidain Hameed is a captivating exploration of the life and career of one of Pakistan's most influential leaders....
In "Capitalism's Achilles Heel," Raymond W. Baker meticulously examines the underbelly of global capitalism, revealing its vulnerabilities and ethical shortcomings. Through meticulous research and compelling narratives, Baker exposes how corruption,...
In "Comparative Political System" by Muhammad Asif Malik-Emporium, readers are presented with a succinct yet comprehensive analysis of various political systems worldwide. The book navigates through the intricacies of governance...
In "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," now in its third edition, John Perkins unveils his firsthand experiences as a covert operative for corporate interests, tasked with manipulating economic policies in...
In their comprehensive examination titled "Corruption And Anticorruption In Modern China" by Qiang Tang & Xiaobing Li, the authors delve into the intricate landscape of corruption and its countermeasures within...
In "Corruption In America," Zephyr Teachout provides a comprehensive analysis of the pervasive issue of corruption in the United States. Through meticulous research and insightful commentary, Teachout delves into various...
Jamsheed Marker, a prominent diplomat and Pakistan's former ambassador to the United States, holds a nuanced perspective on leadership in Pakistan, shaped by his extensive diplomatic career. His insights highlight...
"Daman Day Moti," a collection of poetry by Ustad Daman, captures the spirit and essence of Punjabi culture, history, and socio-political commentary. Ustad Daman, known for his wit, sharp satire,...
Democratic governance is a complex field encompassing the mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which societies manage their affairs democratically. It involves ensuring accountability, transparency, participation, and the rule of law,...
"Fasana-e-Azad" is a classical Urdu novel written by Pandit Ratan Nath Sarshar and edited by Raees Ahmad Jafri. This literary masterpiece, known for its rich narrative and vivid depiction of...
Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift is a satirical novel that critiques human nature, society, and various political systems. The story follows Lemuel Gulliver, a shipwrecked sailor who encounters strange civilizations,...
In "Legal System of Pakistan," Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee provides an in-depth exploration of the country's legal framework, highlighting its historical foundations, structure, and key components. The book meticulously outlines...
"Lola" by Melissa Scrivner Love is a gripping novel that delves into the complex world of crime, loyalty, and survival. Set in the gritty streets of Los Angeles, the story...
"Lords of Poverty" by Graham Hancock provides a critical examination of the international aid industry, highlighting the complex interplay of power, prestige, and corruption within global aid organizations. Hancock argues...
"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare is a tragic play that delves into the consequences of unchecked ambition and the corrupting influence of power. Set in Scotland, it follows the protagonist, Macbeth,...
Moth Smoke, authored by Mohsin Hamid, is a compelling novel that delves into the complexities of human nature and societal issues in post-colonial Pakistan. Set against the backdrop of Lahore's...